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Mitten in Wien: Beratung zu Pflege und Betreuung & Grundversorgung für geflüchtete und vertriebene Menschen – 16. bis 20. September in der Lugner City. Mehr Infos.

Fonds Soziales Wien – 365 days a year near you

Being there for people in difficult life situations – that is the task of the Fonds Soziales Wien [Vienna Social Fund]. With tailor-made help that is affordable for all, it supports some 145,000 residents of Vienna annually in coping with their everyday life, contributing to improving their quality of life as well as that of their family members.

Most receive support in the area of nursing and care at home, in a day center for senior citizens nearby or in a residential and nursing home of the City of Vienna.

People with disabilities are accompanied throughout their whole life in many different ways, for example by early support for young children, school integration, vocational training and work integration as well as fully or partially assisted living. The goal is to be able to lead a life that is as independent as possible.

Citizens of Vienna without housing or shelter use the services offered in day centers, overnight shelters or transitional living quarters.

In addition to this, services for refugees and people with debt problems are offered.

All of these services are planned, mediated and financially supported by the Fonds Soziales Wien on behalf of the City of Vienna. Together with around 170 partner organizations, it creates a dense social network and ensures that all Vienna citizens can feel socially safe and well cared for in their city.

How to contact us:

First contact point is the FSW customer service line: Our staff stand ready daily from 8 am to 8 pm – even on weekends and holidays – at 01/24 5 24 to inform and advise you with regard to care and support as well as living with a disability. Using this number one can also order numerous free brochures.
In addition to personal and individual consultation, the required services are arranged in our Advisory Centers as well.